Saturday, December 11, 2010

Spielberg Blogathon Reminder

Hello friends, just popping in real quick to remind you all that in one week's time the feverishly anticipated moment that will surely define a generation, The Spielberg Blogathon, will begin, commence, and so on. To participate, just host a piece on your own site, send Adam and myself the link, and we shall post it on our respective sites and also at the Blogathon's official site. And that's about it, really. If any of you could advertise it on your blog by hosting a banner or even just throwing up (no not like that) a quick post to get the word out, I'd appreciate it greatly. Click the above image for the Blogathon's official site, with announcements, banners, and more (actually there's only banners and announcements).

And once again:

Adam Zanzie's e-mail:

My e-mail:

Hope to hear from you next week. Looking very forward to it.

Over and out.


Adam Zanzie said...

Spielberg was in a Simpsons episode!??? When?

Ryan Kelly said...

He wasn't, but in one episode Mr. Burns gets "non union Mexican equivalent", Spielebrgo, to direct an epic about his life.

Adam Zanzie said...

Ahhh. Who provided the voice talent for this Senor Spielbergo? It better not have been that HANK AZARIA douchebag.

Greg said...

Who's Spielberg?

Ryan Kelly said...

Adam - what'd Hank Azaria ever do to you?

Ryan Kelly said...

Greg, no one can say for sure. Some say he was a legendary warrior, others say he was a wise sage, others claim he was a sorcerer. But we can never know for certain who Spielberg actually was.

Richard Bellamy said...

Ryan, I've posted my contribution to the Spielberg Blogathon at Little Worlds. Enjoy!

Ryan Kelly said...

Thank you! I will have it posted first thing tomorrow morning.

Lead Abatement Round Rock said...

Great blog post thanks for sharing