So, as I sit here at my kitchen counter on this bitter cold Sunday evening, there is a feeling gnawing away at me that this --- this --- is an important day. A monumental day. A historic day. Shit, it's an historic day, because we all know when something really important happens, in the historic sense, you use an instead of a, even though it's not grammatically pertinent. But whatever, gramaturgical (I made that word up) exceptions must be made for important, monumental, historic days like this one.
Yes, you guessed right, on this day 49 years ago, Ham the Chimp became the first almost-human to go into outer space. Here's the cute little guy preparing for his intergalactic adventure:

Also, one year ago today, your humble host was bored on a Saturday night at work and said to himself "Oh, what the hell, I'll throw my hat into the film criticism blogsophere". Three book deals, millions of fans, and 165,203 posts later (approximately), here we are.
I would just like to take this opportunity to extend a hearty thanks to all my readers and fellow film bloggers who have been nothing but kind and welcoming to me over the course of the last year. Even during my long hiatuses (which I most sincerely apologize for, and hope to put a stop to) I've come back to writing and felt like no time has passed at all. That people have responded to my writing and felt compelled to share their thoughts here means more to me than I can express, at least without getting all lame and mushy, and maybe even crying a little, so I'm not even going to try. Just understand that it means a great deal of me, and I hope to be a little more prolific moving in to my second year of blogging.
So, from the bottom of my cold, black heart™: thanks, everybody. You've made blogging fun and rewarding all at once.
Posts of substance forthcoming. I promise.
Yes, you guessed right, on this day 49 years ago, Ham the Chimp became the first almost-human to go into outer space. Here's the cute little guy preparing for his intergalactic adventure:

Also, one year ago today, your humble host was bored on a Saturday night at work and said to himself "Oh, what the hell, I'll throw my hat into the film criticism blogsophere". Three book deals, millions of fans, and 165,203 posts later (approximately), here we are.
I would just like to take this opportunity to extend a hearty thanks to all my readers and fellow film bloggers who have been nothing but kind and welcoming to me over the course of the last year. Even during my long hiatuses (which I most sincerely apologize for, and hope to put a stop to) I've come back to writing and felt like no time has passed at all. That people have responded to my writing and felt compelled to share their thoughts here means more to me than I can express, at least without getting all lame and mushy, and maybe even crying a little, so I'm not even going to try. Just understand that it means a great deal of me, and I hope to be a little more prolific moving in to my second year of blogging.
So, from the bottom of my cold, black heart™: thanks, everybody. You've made blogging fun and rewarding all at once.
Posts of substance forthcoming. I promise.
Congratulations, Ryan! and congratulations to the family of Ham the Chimp, who I presume is long gone now.
I've thoroughly enjoyed reading your writing over the last couple of months.
So good luck for the next year!
Happy Anniversary. Can't wait to read your thoughts on the current crop (or dearth) of films.
Congrats on the anniversary! I look forward to whatever you have to post in the future. Yours is one of my favorite stops.
"So, from the bottom of my cold, black heart..."
You stole my line, you little whippersnapper, you.
But seriously...
Hearty congratulations on MQ's first anniversary, Monsieur Kelly. It's an exceptionally cool wondrously fun awesomely literate place to discuss film...and similar stuff like that.
I hear the host is dandy too.
Here's to MQ. Lots more good times to be had.
Rock on, darlin...
Fun and rewarding? Damn, that's not what I was going for.
Seriously, Ryan, congrats on an always entertaining and thought-provoking blog - and on having the best blog name on the planet!
How do I know the Quarantine has worked? Because no medfly have ever invaded. But also because Bruce A. Davidson and Andie Macdowell haven't lost any kids to hit-and-run accidents recently...
Congratulations, Ryan! Although a fact check may be in order here: though I'm familiar with Ham the Chimp, I always thought Laika- the Russian dog who boarded Sputnik II- was the first nonhuman in space. Of course, unlike Ham, she couldn't be brought back and ended up dying up in the stars.
Google is a wonderful thing, isn't it Adam? Just makes you feel so... superior.
Happy anniversary Ryan.
Stephen, Tony, Warfreak and Kevin, thank you so much. Your contributions to this blog and your support of it have been truly invaluable.
Miranda, you are right, I did steal your line, albeit inadvertantly. I'll put a ™ next to it if you truly feel wronged.
Stupid, stupid me...
I hear the host is dandy too.
If you believe that I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya!
But seriously thank you. You've been nothing but nice to be me this last year, and I swear someday I'll do something to deserve it.
Rock on I shall...
But seriously, you
Marilyn, so you're telling me you're fun and engaging in spite of yourself? =P
Thanks for being supportive of my blog. Your blog is one of the best discoveries I've made since I started this weblog thang a year ago.
Adam, read what I wrote again. I said the first 'almost human', as in 'first primate', which translates to you being wrong. While man may share some traits with the dog, we certainly don't share a large portion of our DNA with them.
I'll accept your congratulations in spite of nit picky fact checking that's not really fact checking because the facts didn't need any checking because I knew what I was talking about, though, and thanks for being one of my consistent commenters --- in spite of nit picky fact checking. ;-)
Ahh, Jill, always defending me...
Thank you for reading and commenting this past year, Jill! You've actually contributed more to this blog than your daughter... who is co-admin... but you know about her and her relationship with posting on blogs.
Congrats, Ryan. Your blog has been one of the few that I have consistently kept up with for a while.
By the way, I was always wondering how you came up with the title Medfly Quanrantine.
Eric, about a year ago I had something of an obsession with Altman's Short Cuts (still love the movie... one of my favorites, but I don't watch it once a week like I used to), and I actually started MQ for the purpose of waxing poetic about Altman's masterpiece. Hell, my banner is one of the first shots of the movie.
To date, I have written exactly zero pieces about Short Cuts. Shows you how good I am at planning things.
Egad! Sorry about that, Ryan. The "almost-human" part made me immediately think of all animals in general, rather than Ham's proximity to humankind. Mi mistake.
I know it's pointless to go on with this, but I just wanted to respond to what Jill said: I didn't use Google. I've always known about Laika the dog (and a little bit about Ham). And it's not as though I brought that up in some deranged attempt to detract from Ryan's credibility- it's not like that at all.
I never had any credibility to begin with, so you couldn't rob me of it even if you tried. Take that!
Again to Adam:
If you say so dear.
I know what you mean Ryan... I don't know why my kiddo doesn't post. I know she's smart and articulate - I don't think she's lazy.
It's the same thing she used to do when she was supposed to be writing a speech.
I think she needs deadlines.
(runs in the family)
Congratulations, Ryan! Like a dope, I didn't even know what "Medfly Quarantine" was referring to until I caught Short Cuts again about a month ago. But in terms of your blog it's always symbolized intelligence, passion, wit and unpredictability. I never know what you're going to write about or what your opinion will be, and that's a good thing.
Craig, you're not a dope, it's an obscure reference.
I'm glad to be unpredictable, I always want to keep my readers on their toes. For instance, I'm working on a post now that details my case for the destruction of the moon. It's ugly, I hate it, and it simply has to go.
Happy Anniversary, Ryan! It's been a real joy keeping up with your blog this year. The amount of thought and care you put into each of your posts is nothing short of inspiring, and I always look forward to the discussions-while occasionally throwing my hat in the ring-which are consistently engaging and insightful. As always, I eagerly await your next post with bated breath. In the words of the impeccable Ernie Anastos, "Keep fucking that chicken!"
"Posts of substance forthcoming. I promise."
To that I say this...
I'll believe it when I see'em Chiefy
oh yeah, congratulations on one year.
Greg, that's the wonder of the internet, you can be like 1000 years late with these things and it's like nary a moment has passed! Thank you, Greg, and getting to discuss films with you both here and at your blog has undoubtedly been a highlight of the last year. I'm working on a review as I type this comment, and will have something for Marilyn and The Siren's blogathon up, as well.
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